
Father's Day

Fathers are a unique & vital part of each child's life. I know Lil' SB adores her 'dada'--you can see the gleam in her eye when he's around. He acts silly with her, dances with her, reads to her--the list goes on and on. I wanted to capture some of the moments they have shared, so I put together an animoto video which I plan to share with Papa SB on Sunday...



I was watching the SNL Shorts Special tonight, and I saw a TV Funhouse video of a Dora parody called "Maraka." I quickly called in Papa SB to watch, too. We haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Check it out (after the annoying commercial)...

Dear God...

Every night Lil' SB goes to bed, we read 3 books. Well, lately I have been letting her leave her light on after we read, so she can read on her own. Many nights she ends up running out into the living room to talk to me when she is supposed to be reading. Tonight was no exception. The second time she came to visit, I was eating potato chips. She instantly says, "I want some." Of course, I reply by telling her she needs to go to bed. The whole way back to her bedroom she pleads with me...saying she's hungry (you would think I starved my child). Anyway, I convinced her to turn off the light and then I laid down with her. Like many nights, she said she wanted to say a prayer. So, she begins...."Dear God...please help me get something to eat." I couldn't contain the laughter! I was laughing hysterically! Out of the mouths of babes, right?


Mother's Day

Yesterday was a nice, relaxing Mother's Day. Lil' SB and Papa SB greeted me with a kiss, a card & "Happy Mother's Day." My favorite gift for the day was time---time to veg on the couch (while he played w/ Lil' SB), time to go shopping, and time not used on housework---Papa SB took care of that. I also loved the gift Lil' SB made at preschool. Her teacher, Miss Kim, asked her a series of questions. Here are her responses (along w/ my commentary):

1. How old is Mommy? 4 (more like X 9)

2. What is something Mommy always says? Please (probably while gritting my teeth from frustration)

3. What makes Mommy happy? She is happy because she eats apples! (we had a chocolate/caramel covered apple the night before...I guess I enjoyed it!)

4. How tall is your mommy? A hundred (hey, at least she knew measurement had to do with a number, right?)

5. What is her favorite thing to do? Fly in the sky with a rocket ship in space. (what an imagination)

6. What is she really good at? Fixing puzzles (we've been doing a lot of that lately)

7. What do you like to do with Mommy? Figuring out my states puzzle (she's getting pretty good at it, too!)

8. What is her favorite food? pizza (Mexican food is, but pizza is a close second)

9. How do you know Mommy loves you? I know because I am smart! (too cute)

10. What is your favorite thing Mommy cooks? Arthur macaroni & cheese (and she would eat it for every meal if I let her!)

11. What is her favorite color? purple (exactly!)

12. My mommy is...smart! (what a nice compliment...I guess I have her fooled...hee hee)

It's funny to hear a 3 1/2 yr. old's perspective!!!


Easter Egg Hunt

Lil' SB participated in an Easter egg hunt at our local high school this afternoon. She had a blast! When they announced the beginning, Lil' SB ran as fast as she could...scooping up every egg in sight. As you can see, she gathered quite a bit. Once they were all gone, the sponsors asked that we open each egg to look for the 'golden ticket.' So...of course, she popped each one open as quickly as possible (getting melted chocolate all over the place!). Unfortunately, she didn't find the ticket---which promised a grand prize--- but had fun looking. Once the main event was over, we visited 'Mr. Bunny' (Lil' SB named him). She approached him a bit leery, but before we knew it, she was hugging him and rubbing his head and belly. It was cracking me up! The first picture I captured included another little boy who wouldn't step away, but a few minutes later I was able to snap one with just Lil' SB and 'Mr. Bunny.'
Afterwards, we went to pet the live bunnies which Lil' SB adored. I couldn't tear her away until I pointed out the bounce house nearby. Off she ran, taking off her sandals and climbing in. After bouncing for about 10 minutes, I had to convince her to come out. Once we put her shoes back on, cleaned her up and gathered her eggs, we went off to Chili's to eat dinner.


March Madness

Since the NCAA Basketball tournament started last week, Lil' SB has been interested in the different teams. It all started when she and Papa SB took a look at this magazine. She loves looking at the different pictures (mascots) and identifying the various animals. When they watch the games together, she always asks about the teams--referring to them by the color of the jersey. I would love for her to grow up liking basketball (watching and playing)...after all, it's in her blood. With both of her grandfathers, 2 uncles and her father as former players, how can she escape the inevitable? (Of course, I tried out in 8th grade and was cut in the first round...but that doesn't count...even Michael Jordan can relate.)


Go Fly a Kite

It's been a bit windy around here lately, so I decided to buy a kite a few days ago. Sunday proved to be the time to fly it. So...Papa SB, Lil' SB & I went looking for a park by the lake. Well, after driving around for 45 minutes looking for a decent one, we found it! Unfortunately, there was a gate at the entrance with a sign saying $7 fee for entry. What?! Forget that...we weren't planning to stay longer than an hour, so we found a nice park w/ a great...pond. As soon as we got out of the car, Lil' SB ran through the field. After catching up to her, Papa SB got the kite ready. She was sooo excited! They finally got it up in the air...she was in amazement.

After a few minutes, Lil' SB spied some wild flowers and took off. She spent the rest of the time picking the assortment of white and purple flowers which were scattered all over the field. Here are a few pictures of her in her element....